

Designing and Coding:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dear diary,

Alright friends, most likely my last post before I take off to australia.
im leaving tomorrow night :(

well on monday, our plan failed because it was a public holiday.
and i didnt even know that!
poly life is so relaxed that i dont even take notice of when is a holiday or not.
so i woke up because my sister was having piano lessons and it was pretty noisy, then suddenly the music stopped and i heard a door slam and got a little worried.
so i went out and i saw my mum sitting on the floor using my dad's laptop and doing her work and i was like " shit my mum is at home means my friends cant come over ".
then i went to open my mum's door and my sister was crying in there because she was too stressed out thanks to piano. so i comforted her a little and started to bathe and went out.
we ended up going to aaron's house instead and siva didnt bring his laptop adapter -_-
so we had to share here and there and it was so troublesome when we played till we forgot, and siva's laptop just hibernated rofl.
luckily it was a rainy day and it was cold because aaron's house was a little stuffy.

today! ( wednesday )
i had CIP today, went to some ulu place at choa chu kang. and we walked through some deserted road for so long..
the lady claimed that it was a 1km walk but it seemed like some 10km walk.
so we crapped around, talked so much bullshit.
haikel cut his hair and he looks like a dog now, well he looked like a dog either way LOL. ( i bet he'll read this sooner or later )
so we walked and walked and we finally reached the place, there was this sec 2 girl ( looks like one ) that looked like my tuition classmate last year. she was doing CIP as well and she stole our job.
we were supposed to go there to make badges and do some admin work but all our jobs were stolen by other people and we ended up doing gardening and packing the storeroom.
being a physically challenged small guy that i am, i was so tired when i reached the place and they made me carry stuff and do things -_-
i was about to drop dead then so i kept resting :(
i think the last time i exercised was.... a year ago? during PE?
i dont consider lolkido as an exercise cause its not very strenous.
so... yea i was gasping and panting the entire day and everyone else were like " omg u ok anot, u damn hot sia ( fever that type ) ".
cant imagine how i am going to survive NS :(
we went to Qian Hu fish farm after we finished because there was a free shuttle bus back to choa chu kang MRT.
when we went to the waiting area to wait for the shuttle bus, i was kinda shocked when it was like a convenience store.
in such an ulu place like that, theres a convenience store lol.
so i bought magnum white and wow, just what i needed after a day of hard labour.
and whats even more shocking was.. there was this chiobu in the shuttle bus..
i mean.. which pretty woman would come to a fish farm wtf!
when i entered i looked at her and gave the shocked reaction.

came back home at around 6.30pm, bathed and did shit on the computer..
so im off tomorrow! means tomorrow is the last day u can request shit from me to buy from australia, i'll try to remember everyone and buy chocolates for everyone if u didnt request anything.

'/ / Twisted Fate

Monday, December 08, 2008

Dear diary,

Hi friends once again,
its been quite a while since i posted because im being lazy.
so im back so as not to disappoint the excited people just visiting this site to have a good laugh.

well last friday, i went for lesson from 8-10am and had a test from 5pm-6pm.
so on thursday we decided that aaron and friends would come over to my place to have some fun.
in the end haikel, HJ and aaron came and the whole house went crazy.
we were screaming and shouting everywhere and i think my grandpa is a little unhappy cause he increased his radio's volume.
we didnt know that siva was coming because he didnt attend the 8am-10am class and weirdly, he went to school at 9am and came to look for us.
but by then we were eating and laughing so none of us picked up his call rofl.
he ended up going home (!).
when i heard he did that i was shocked that he came to school with his laptop, just to come to my house.
anyway, we ordered KFC at around 2pm, the lady on the line made sure that my address was right because my phone number is still registered under my old flat in serangoon.
and that joker didnt tell the delivery man properly so he went all the way to serangoon -_-
so our food got delayed for 1 and a half hour till we were almost late for our test.
the test was pretty easy, im quite confident that i'll get 70+ or maybe even 80 although the last question was tricky.

anyway, its holiday time for me!
3 weeks to catch up on sleep, ( 14 hours of sleep per day !! ) and 1 week of australia!
im looking forward to it and will be buying crap for people, so just tell me what u want from there if u want and i'll go buy it.

also, i had a really weird dream yesterday.
one that made me wake up from fear.
well there was this guy who was pissing me off in that dream and i somehow ended up in his house, and his mum was in a thrash bag ( rofl ) so i just took it and threw it down.
then the police was investigating me and i was feeling scared till i woke up, thats pretty much it but still, really weird.

tomorrow aaron and siva will be coming over to have some fun at my place again and im looking forward to it.

until next time..

'/ / Twisted Fate

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dear diary,

Hi friends
today was a really sleepy day..
i went to class at 8am, slept from 8-9.30am, then went to slack at graduate's guild ( looks like some hotel resort ) and we played arcade..
siva was going crazy over daytona and shaking HJ's chair like a retard.
but it was still fun after all.
went to materials at 12 and slept till 12.45 and was wondering if i was on drugs or something.
then after that i skipped film appreciation class to attend the talk that tells us about our future course.
listened to the design part of the course and then, slept again till the end of the talk.

im pretty frustrated now but on the bright side, last 2 days of school!
then i'll have my 3 weeks break, 1 week going to australia..
my mom told me about what we're going to do there and it sounded pretty fun.
at least i'll take a break off my computer i guess.
i got 65/100 for materials, felt that its not too bad after all although im the 3rd last :D
pretty confident in friday's C programming test, its a test like maths in a computer language which is fairly easy to learn.

looking back, it feels as if this year passed by like 3 monrhs in secondary school..
the weekends for secondary school was such a precious 2-day break but poly feels as if everyday is such a relaxing day. just sitting around, not achieving anything.

anyway, im not going to that sentosa shit because 48 people is seriously an overkill.
its like asking a class of 40 on the first day of school to mix around and expect them to be happy, so lets just go out on ourselves maybe :)

'/ / Twisted Fate

Monday, December 01, 2008

Dear diary,

Hi again friends, didnt post over the weekend cause i was pretty lazy.
well friday's test was pretty ok, im glad i went half an hour earlier to pick up some last minute notes that saved me.. maybe 10 marks?
i skipped the make-up class at 5pm on friday because i didnt want to wait from 12pm-5pm just to sit for a 2 hour lesson that i dont really need.

another thing is that my brother cut bangs!
kinda not used to seeing his hair so short, but i guess it looks nice after all.
i was pretty shocked when he came home with his fringe twice as short as usual.

school is pretty awesome today and funny as well.
there was a cockroach at aaron's seat today and everyone was so crazy over it rofl.
the cockroach jumped to xy's table and he stood up and used his paper and swept it crazily, then it fell to the floor and he used his feet to stomp it lol, but still it didnt die and it ran to hide under the table.

critical reasoning skills lesson was pretty crap.
we had to rephrase our topic " Poly students should pay the same transport rate as JC/ITE " about 10 times and we had to go write our points on the whiteboard when we werent even prepared. haikel looked pretty annoyed that we were rejecting all his ideas.

maths lesson made me wanna faint, its like secondary school differentiation graphs with extra crap.. im happy the tests are after the holidays.
anyway, first day of the month! that mean another 11 days more to going to australia to relax.

'/ / Twisted Fate

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear diary,

Alright hi again, i just finished studying for materials and im pretty confident for the test tomorrow.
right now im thinking of locking this crap because everyone in the class has been going crazy over my blog for no reason, its like when i post once, 1 person find out and tells another, then the whole class goes crazy and shit.
i went to school today with the mindset of 100% sleeping during thermofluids at 10am, but ended up finishing the tutorial even though i never learned a single thing since the first lesson. pretty awesome.. and when i thought i would definately sleep in C prog, i didnt!

well c prog was kinda easy. i guess the many weeks of practice worked out well, quite confident in getting A in this module.
anyway, we watched a very disgusting clip on youtube, showing someone squeezing out a gigantic pimple... it seriously looked like his small intestine was coming out of the pimple.. really disgusting.
should have took a video of aaron's reaction when he saw that rofl. that was epic.

went for character development, was supposed to present a newspaper article to the teacher, so i randomly picked one and it was a very.. interesting.
it was about this man, who raped his daughters over a period of 25 years and have 7 children with them. both daughters got pregnant 19 times in total.
and the daughters were locked in a basement...
he is.. 56 years old and this lasted for 25 years so that means he started this at the age of 31...
his wife left him in 1981 cause she found out that he raped their kids, the kids were 8 and 10 years old then.
can u imagine that..
it was said that both of the daughters found out that their father was abusing both of them when one of the daughters noticed the other daughter was pregnant. but wow seriously...
tortured his daughters to such an extent just for his own pleasure.
come to think of it, im happy that im still living like an ordinary and normal human without such shit happening to me.

i presented the first and could go home but i waited for siva :)
because i know if i go home first, he'll be alone with his best friend in the train, and i know how shit that feels like.
so i waited for him and then xy came to wait with me as well while teaching me about materials.
and wow his "textbook" is totally full of notes..
mine is empty except for some highlighting somewhere in there.

time for me to sleep then! test at 8 tomorrow so i shouldnt be staying up any later.

'/ / Twisted Fate

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dear diary,

Hey all i was studying materials just now!
so i was a little busy and didnt post when i got home.
so today was really hilarious almost towards the end of the day.
someone send me a picture of XY so i can introduce him to my "imaginary" friends ( sounds like u siva? ).

well i have a classmate of mine and his name is Xuan Yu, we call him xy. hes a very hardworking person by nature, friendly and kind. but he has a speech problem since birth, so he tends to stagger and repeat what he says alot. so many of us like to make fun of him like throw eraser at him -_-.
i swear i wasnt involved in any of these childish acts but the reaction u get back from xy is pretty awesome.
so today we were slacking at the second level of the cafe, it was empty when we went in so we decided to chill for abit.
then xy walked past the door and we managed to catch his attention so he came into the cafe as well.
hes a very innocent person, unlike any guy, he has close to zero attraction towards females and doesnt like to talk about anything related to sex.
so we were talking to him about it, well actually just aaron since hes kinda gay, and he said something about some law crap like.. #337 i have no idea what, oral sex among other men.
so he was saying hes gonna get jailed in the future.
then we mentioned about the eraser thing and he said he was only irritated when he was studying then we disturb him, but when he isnt studying then he wont get pissed off.
we never heard a single vulgar word from this guy till yesterday when siva and friends were throwing eraser shit at him during class. then he mumbled to me and HJ " stupid idiots ah u son of a mother fucking bitch " and i was stunned at that spot.
it was so shocking to see him angry for the first time that i felt that siva and friends were a little bit too much.
well hes a good friend after all, teaching me how to do some questions that i dont know how to do..

anyway, i went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor said i dont have chicken pox!
so u people can relax, he just said its some rashes and he gave me some cream that costs $59 in total.
meh who cares its my mum who pays.

today we were talking about some random stuff and suddenly we mentioned about the best song in the world,

even siva mentioned this on the train and he said it was disturbing although its his favourite song.
Credits to aaron for finding this, although i saw it from a retarded batman clip..

oooooooohuuu yehaaaaaa . sea.. sou.. jhonn macarron.. yeah macarron nooon

Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron , ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus

Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus
ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus

Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron , ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus

Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

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Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

Chacarron, Chacarro,, Chacarron, Chacarro,, Chacarron, Chacarro

Now tell me if u found this song awesome/retarded.
anyway took down the links section since its such an eyesore and to prevent more downies like siva from finding my blog.
and dont fucking link me.
well its 2.37am and im gonna sleep!
my dad just went out of the house because he says his project site opens at 3am to 7am only so thats when he needs to do his work.. i wonder what kind of shit is that..

'/ / Twisted Fate

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear diary,

School was fun today because aaron is back from chicken pox!
i came on the same train as siva in the morning.. very coincidental because hes always early for school and yet i saw him on the train.
went to sit beside him during C programming although theres an empty sit beside aaron but when i looked around, mr. myanmar wasnt there yet so i'd rather sit with siva.
but later on in the day i found out that he was on MC so.. meh
i guess i shouldnt curse people to get chicken pox when the word " retribution " is in the url of my blog..

WARNING! for those people who had contact with me over the past 2 or maybe 3 days, take care of urself. theres a very high chance i have chicken pox as well. but then again the small dots just appeared on sunday so for those on friday u dont need to worry so much.

waiting for my mom to come home to give me some money before i go see the doctor.
so many spots near my ass -_-
and the chance of me getting chicken pox was close to 5% because i had it before when i was 5 years old so i was pretty shocked.. or maybe its just some random dots of dirt but its kinda impossible cause i bathe almost 3 times a day.
was so sleepy during CRS that i slept throughout.
maths was a repeat of secondary school work in detail so i was sleeping towards the end as well.
and i found out a secret from aaron.. a very shocking one indeed.
its just so weird omfg.
anyway i was counting the number of days that i'll be on MC for, estimated about 12 days.. meaning that i cant take all the tests thats coming up :(
first time i was so worried about studies, if this was on the first week of school i would have been more than happy to get chicken pox but this week is the last week of school with all the tests!

i shall make it a habit to post everytime i reach home so that i wont forget to, and to satisfy my loyal readers ( hi belle ).

'/ / Twisted Fate